Saturday, February 26, 2011

From Sun-up to Sun-down!

    At the close of this day...I am grateful it is over! I thank the Lord for giving me this day...maybe I learned a few lessons in it....hopefully it wont happen again! In a nutshell my day went like this!

#1...I had to get everyone fed..bathed and out the door to make it to the bank by noon! That sounds easy enough....until disaster strikes! I was rocking the baby to sleep thinking the older 2 boys were behaving in the toyroom...little did I know they were signing checks! Not just any checks either...they went for a $1,500.00 deposit only check!
The front of the check looked just the same! I had a panic attack!

#2.... I had finished bathing Zech and reached up for his fresh out of the dryer towel and a nickel sized brownish clear spider jumped at me and into the sink!! Of course like a good girl.... I screamed for all I was worth!

#3...Now on my way...10minutes into driving Josiah tells me that his tummy hurts! I turn around and his face looks really pale and as I know what is about to happen I pull over and put my flashers on! Sure enough...breakfast was all over the back seat and floor!! I whipped off his clothes and met Mike at work to come out and help clean up the situation! He dressed Josiah in clean warm jammies and I cleaned up the back seat! Then I headed to Jens house for a bucket of hot soapy water! She went with me for the rest of the errands so I didnt have to bring the children out in the cold!  (Disclaimer..Josiah got sick probably from his medicine..he has the croup right now and is on a steriod thats pretty heavy on their lil' tummies!)

#4 Actually make to the bank on time and am able to run a few more errands...Josiah see's we are passing his favorite "Cookie Store" and asks for his "No-man" cookie! So, I swing in and run into Wegmans and get one for him! This was the nicest part of the day! In the beginning of December we were shopping and Mike bought some cutout snowman cookies from the bakery to eat as we shopped! We didnt know that would develop Josiah's fondness of them! After a Dental cleaning in February---he out of the blue asks me for a "no-man" cookie. He and I were alone that day so I took him into the store and head for the bakery. As we drew nearer I noticed that the display case only held heart cookies for Valentines Day...Josiah was really upset and started tearing up! I explained to the young lady behind the counter..and she so sweetly said she could make a snowman on a heart for us! Her name is: Dana...she made a happy little boy!
 Sooooo...Dana happened to be there today and guess what?? This is becoming funny!

We we finally got back home...#5 was waiting for me! My cat had gotten sick in the living room and made a BIG mess... definetly without getting into details I REALLY had a mess on my floors to clean up! I quarantined the children to the nursery with snacks and a movie! Then I spent the rest of the evening cleaning with bleach...sanitizing ....laundry and more!
Then another suprise!  #6 came walking thru the door! Mike had just gotten home and was taking out the trash..and my sisters pulled up to come over and suprise me with help! They both know I had a LONG day so they came to cheep me up and do my dishes and sanitize the nursery toys! Jen was on dishes and Meg was on toy duty! Uncle Manny was on kid duty...making sure the 4 boys and Abbie played nice! We ordered pizza and wings and had a good time with the kids!

 Left to right- Elijah, Zechariah, Josiah, Ethan, Brian and Abigail!

Now if only these 3 were here to complete our family picture!
Left to Right---Benjamain, Moses and Daniel


  1. you win mom of the year, Michelle. Keep your chin up, kid. It gets easier. ;)

  2. Thanks Kathy...I'll have to get some tips from you! Boys are wayyyy different from girls!

  3. OK. So, that was a pretty tough day. :( Glad it ended on a good note!!!

    (Hope Josiah is feeling better soon!!!)
