Friday, February 25, 2011

Our Family Pictures are In!

     We havent had professional photos done since Fall now that Zech has joined our family we decided to make a trip to the Mall!
     Picture Day usually is a looooonnngg one! Something usually goes wrong and I get I tried to be proactive instead of reacting to any situation that could possibly arise! Here is a list of some things that have "gone wrong" or can.

1. Children wet through picture clothing!

2. Baby spits up past bib and all over mommy's clothes!

3. Children fall asleep on the way to Mall...we have to wake them up which produces crying and scowles for pictures!

4. Boys run out of picture room while Dad and Mom are being positioned for family photo!

So...for this photo shoot I was prepared! I bathe the children and diaper...feed them a clean snack...then dress them up. Next is teeth brushing and hair do's! Loading the car in the winter can be tricky so today we carry the boys out so they dont get wet or muddy! On our way...disater or peace strikes(whichever you may think) all 3 boys fall asleep! When we get into the studio finally....I have to retuck in shirts..wipe tear stained eyes and comb hair. I also make sure Zech has a bib on until the last minute.

     Smile time is on! I wanted to have individual shots of the boys this time....but Josiah wouldnt smile and Elijah kept telling the photographer "NO!" Zech was an angel!  Enjoy the photos!

Josiah Michael (3yrs.)

                                                            Elijah Matthew (2yrs.)

                                                           Zechariah Mark (8months)


  1. What GREAT photos! Elijah doesn't look thrilled...LOL! It does get challenging to get them all to smile at once. Last time we had pics done both of our babies had colds. The more the photographer snapped pictures, the wetter Jacob's clothes got! (Drooling...ha ha). Love you guy! :)

  2. What a beautiful family. God has blessed all of you. <3
