Sunday, March 13, 2011

"It's all Greek to me"

    We just finished out an amazing week of Missions Conference at our church! All week every night we had wonderful challenging services about Missionaries, giving, serving and reaching the Lost with the Gospel! 
   For the last night of the conference (Sunday, March13) our church has started a "tradition" of making our own Missionary boards! We call it: "Tour the World Night." 
     Basically each family if they want...picks a country they'd like to represent and makes a Display board...prepares an ethnic dish and dresses in costume! 
     Our family chose Greece! Mike is half Greek so we thought it would be neat to do in honor of his Culture and Grandparents.
     After I had the "rules"
                        1. Only 3ft. of display space
                        2. Must include Culture...religion...stats..etc.
                        3. Must put food in sample size portions
I only had 2 weeks to prepare....So I jumped right into the project! The kids and I found books at the Library...went to buy fabric....helped prepare our ethnic dish...Oh, we had sooooo much fun learning! 

Fun Facts about my journey....

               ~ 20+ hours of cutting...sewing and hot glueing on embellishments(stayed up a couple nights 'til 4 a.m)
               ~ 3hrs. of computer and Library study
               ~ Over $200. in materials! (Fabric,paper,accessories and ingredients)
    ~ A special thanks to My awesome husband for helping me with the dishes and laundry while I was busy sewing away! And for his generosity in funding the board!
    ~ To my talented Bro-in law Matt who designed our prayer card!
    ~ Yia-Yia Sophie also came over and we made a day of memories learning to make traditional Baklava...she's the BEST! Thanks!
    ~ Lastly to my sisters Jenn and Megan for encouraging me in my efforts! Thanks for the kind words!
     When the church website has the pics online..I will post a blog and let you know. The competition was great and EVERYONE did a GREAT job! 

Getting started with the basics.....

Yia-Yia Sophie and Josiah preparing the Baklava......which takes 2 days to make!

The boys and Yia- Yia finish the last layer of its ready for the refridgerator!

Josiah getting dressed in a traditional Greek soldier costume!

     Our display was voted #1 Overall- and we won a gift certificate to the Mall. We were excited about that..but even more to be blessed and burdened for the people of Greece!     

At church with everything set up and being judged...

A better view of the display...

Our "pretend" prayer card....designed by Uncle Matt!

My sister Jennifer with Husband: St.Clair...and daughter Abigail! Their display was of Haiti...St.Clair's birthplace! Jenn did a fabulous job..she even made a replica of a hut from clay! I had the privelege of making their costumes...Jenn applied the embellishments to the neckline and sleeves! Just love the color's!!!
                 God bless our Missionaries!!!

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