Friday, April 29, 2011


     Tonight  I finally get to sit and enjoy a nice cup of Sleepytime Tea w/ a touch of honey and milk. It has been a long couple of days around the home here....2 out of 3 children have been sick...Josiah has strep throat and Zech has a tummy bug that was giving him high fevers! It definetly is heart wrenching to watch them be in pain. Of course Daddy and Mommy have been up thru the nights trading shifts walking and comforting the boys. The worst part of the story though is that my sister Beverly has been staying with us this week and her boys are sick too! Moses has strep....and the other 2 have runny noses and terrible coughs! Yikes!
........Tonight as I write I am flying solo with parenting...Daddy is away in Rush, NY at a Men's Retreat! I am happy that he can rest and enjoy some fellowship and be challenged with some preaching. We miss him and will be happy to see him tomorrow night.
   Now all the children have been put to bed and my sister and I are enjoying a little "Peace"-----I made her a nice cup of Hot chocolate  cocoa with whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you today...mine have been sick too. Can we commiserate together? :) Hope everyone is feeling better SOON! :)
