Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chickens and Cowboys!

     Well, I saw an ad in the Pennysaver on Saturday that Clyde's had baby chicks siblings and I had some when we were younger (only for a few weeks though) and so my thoughts were MAYBE Next year for an "Easter" surprise we would get the kids each one. I have some farmer friends who probably would take them off our hands after the novelty of having, seeing and taking care of the fluffy cuties wore off. Anyways on our way home from grocery shopping we drove past Clydes and I quickly last minute drove into the parking lot. Told the kids we were going to see a surprise and grabbed the camera (which I usually have in the diaper bag). Oh! It was sooooo FUN watching the boys reaction and reaching out to "pet" the chicks! Zechariah wanted to open the whole gate....yikes....that would have been a mess!

After we got home the boys all decided to dress up and go shooting.....even OBADIAH grabbed a BOYS are definetly ALL BOY!! I just love it. They keep me laughing and just enjoying their personalities.** Disclaimer: We do teach our children the importance of Guns and how to play with them, etc.**

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! We bought Hannah baby chicks one year and while it was a lot of work for me, SHE had a blast! We had one get out of the box one night and while I was sitting on the couch I heard a little "peep peep!!!" One of the chicks was running across the floor behind the couch. ha ha! it was soooo cute!
