Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Forget Beware of Dog...Beware of Children!"

I wanted to post "some" of the many & interesting catastrophes my darling children have made for me to clean!! Most of them "happen" in a blink of an eye or while I was tending to Zech! They are funny to look at now....enjoy... 

They found the M&M jar....
"OH NO....mom caught us!"
Elijah pretends like nothing happened...
Markers....while daddy was "watching"  them....
Josiah's masterpiece
Milk River....
5 boxes of name brand cereal.....
6 rolls of toilet paper.....

1 comment:

  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaa..oooooooooo...heee heeee!!!!! I LOVE it! Yes, it is fun to look back...I remember when Hannah walked OUR toilet paper all over the house too...while it was still on the holder in the bathroom! Fun times, girl...fun times! :)
