Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We are off.....to the Library!

I thought it would be a wonderful day with the sun shining and the children eager to get out of the house for a trip! But not just any trip...this would be an adventure for Mommy and child alike!
     We live a mile from our local library and the kids have been there alot this winter...BUT we always drive the car there....NOT today! I decided to bundle the boys up in turtlenecks..thick cozy socks...snowpants...downcoats...hats and boots to boot! I made a warm bottle of formula for the baby and packed a cold refreshing drink for the older boys to have when we got there....changed diapers...dressed everyone...prepared the stroller with a heavy blanket and huddled everyone out the door!
     The air smelled so refreshing and crisp...snow was crunchy and sidewalks were clear---Perfect! The children loved every minute of the walk. Josiah rode in the front part of the double stroller while Elijah walked there...Elijah kept detouring into snow and wanting to push the stroller in too! Zech just looked around stunned....probably not realizing where he was and why the wind was nipping him in the nose and cheeks!
     When we got to the library the boys bolted off to look for books and do some puzzles. I am so proud to say that my children were very quiet and did a wonderful job listening to me as what to touch and not to. At the checkout the librarian gave Josiah and Elijah stickers..bookmarks and each a new Dr.Suess pencil!
     On the way home Elijah rode shotgun and Josiah walked. By the time we reached home Josiah had to sit and tell me to hurry because his legs were tired! I unloaded my little rosy-cheeked treasures and gave then warm(hot)chocolate! Zechariah got a diaper change and went straight down for a nap! I guess the "fresh air" did him in!
     Next time we will have to take Daddy!

Ready to go Mom!

Elijah is actually pushing the stroller.....almost into me!

Elijah pointing at a truck!

Our destination: North Collins Public Library

Josiah putting together a puzzle

Elijah matching shapes

Zechariah patiently waiting for us.....

Josiah at home...resting his tired legs, with his pencil and sticker!

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