Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rainy today with a chance of Fish and Snow???!!!

      Today I ran some errands with my oldest son, Josiah while Aunt Jen watched Elijah and Zech for me. I had already had a full day with all 3 at the MACCenter getting Zechariah's bloodwork done....that's another post by itself. Ha! I can't count the number of people( male, female, old, my age too!) that came up to me today and told me I was nuts for having 3 boys so close in age! And...they couldnt believe I could handle them all! I had loaded 2 in the double stroller and put Josiah on the top bar to ride. I put one of my hands around his waist and push the stroller or open doors with the other hand! Sometimes I wish I was an octopus! Even so I am getting used to trying to be one step ahead of the boys in anticipating what disaster they can get into even buckled into the stroller. Today they were excellent! Poor Zech did NOT like the blood draw...I cuddled him so tight after and brushed away his tears...my lil' one!
      As predicted later in the day as I ran around to several stores Josiah asked for a "No-man cookie"........other wise could be described as a sugar cookie cutout frosted in extremely sweet colored frosting that stains everything it touches! So.....this was his cookie today! Yummy!!

Allison made this one today!

1 comment:

  1. And I had FUN watching the boys!!! There were good:) I loved how Elijah and Abbie snuck into the fridge and ate 4 Oreo's together!!! HEHE its was cute...:)
