Sunday, May 15, 2011


     I had decided that today was the day for haircuts....Mike especially needed one..and the boys were looking pretty scruffy too! So out came the clippers and scissors! I went in age order....and they all did an excellent job sitting still...EVEN daddy! I jokingly say, Don't do this at home because it isnt as easy at it seems....!!!  Anyways, it's quite a production once I start----I have to keep Zech from crawling into the hair...vacuum with my incredible rainbow machine in between cuts..bathe each child also in between and then keep them out of the hair! Whew....and when I'm finally done I mop and then head for the shower to "de-hair" myself!!
Mike's post-haircut and ready for evening service!

Josiah before....

Josiah after haircut!

Elijah's before snapshot....

Elijah after his transformation haircut!

Zechariah looking SO adorable haircut or not!

Middle of haircut..."You try to cut a moving target... Without anyone getting hurt!"

Zechariah is ALL DONE!

Haircuts....By a certified Mommy!
     ~ Just another fun day in the home of the ILARDO's!~

1 comment:

  1. I will have to bring Jacob to you...he is getting quite a mullet! :) We will have to get together soon has been awhile since we have seen you all!!! :0)
