Friday, May 13, 2011


     Mike got home from work and brought in the mail as usual...BUT tonight there was a small package that was sent from Uncle Matt! I was curious as to what was inside...because Uncle Matt and Kara have unique well thought out gifts!
    The picture is priceless as the boys actually were the recipients of the gifts.....they loved the shirts and capes!!
When Michael and Matthew were little boys they too had super hero costumes and have a memorable photo of themselves wearing their's! Now, my little superhero's are making a memory too!

I love Elijah's smile!

Thanks, Uncle Matt and Kara!

Matthew and Michael as Super hero's!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww! There outfits are so cute on them... Loves Elijah's smile and Josiah looks like he's ready to take off in the air!! HEHE :)
