Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Family Firsts, FUN and Favorites!

  Summer 2012 is quickly coming to an end and we DEFINETLY have enjoyed it! Recently the children have gotten to experience some 1st's.....Dental cleanings and the joys of an ice cream truck!
     The "FUN" we've been having included a yearly trip to the Eden Corn Festival.....outings to a movie in the park....eating at our favorite family Steak place: Outback and more!
 1st - An outing in the park on Aunt Jen's Birthday. They showed the Disney/Pixar movie: UP. We had a good time but picked a bad spot to sit! At the last mnute alot of people came and filled in the "empty" spots.

-Zech at the park-

-Rachel slurping a snack-

-My adorable neice Abigail-

-Josiah excited for the movie to start-

-Elijah enjoying his "special" drink!-

-Lastly Mr.Obadiah enjoying the lovely evening!-


                                              Family FUN at the Corn Festival.......

9 Cousins ready for the Rides! Well, not the infants, lol!

Yia Yia Sophie with kiddos enjoying sliced and fried potato chips! They were great with some vinegar and salt!

Zech decided to act his age and play in the dirt.....then he added a bottle of water and made MUD!

First ride for some brave kids....Alligator roller coaster!

-Winnie the Pooh ride-

-Canoe Ride-

They had FUN!

Mike took Josiah on the Spider Ride! Definetly a 1st!

...wouldn't be the Corn Festival with out some hot buttered Homegrown Corn!
1st Haircut!
Obadiah had grown some tufts of hair over his ears and I decided we would trim them up! He did great just was very puzzled as to what the clippers were.

I had to "squeeze" his CHUBBY cheeks so he would stop trying to look at what I was doing!



                                                              A trip to the Dentist!

Josiah getting ready for his cleaning!

Elijah definetly not happy about this experience! He was a riot the entire time...had the hygenist and Dentist in stitches!

All clean!


                                                      1st Ice cream Truck Experience!
The boys and I running out to wave the truck down....

Zechariah paying and getting his CHOCOLATE ice cream!

Jo and Lij with their ice cream card and treats!



My side of the bench....enjoying our salad!

Mike's side of the bench....enjoying a Bloomin' Onion!


                                                                     Favorite Cookie

Warm chocolaty goodness to enjoy with Family! Aunt
Jen made these with the kids tonight after dinner.

Hope everyone is making their own memories!


  1. Wow! You have been busy! I have to get my kiddos to the dentist too...you beat me! Elijah looked so cute sitting there, ha ha!

    Everyone is growing up SOOO fast!! Miss you guys...hope to see you before our children go to college! LOL!

  2. What a wonderful summer filled with sweet and fun memories!!! I have enjoyed this summer spending time with all my nephews and sisters :O)

    Love you all so much,
    Aunt Jenn
