Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Sunday Photo's 2011

    Today was and is always an amazing me it means newness and LIFE! Christ arose and was victorious over death!! Today we had a great day in the Lords house and then a wonderful dinner with family!
     All 9 cousins were together.....dressed up and full of energy! Lotsa work went in to everything----it was certainly worth it though. We enjoyed a yummy Turkey dinner with the fixings. I made from scratch a swirl chocolate cheesecake for dessert.
     Enjoy our photo's!


Elijah at the "Kid table"

Buffet line of Food

Goody buckets of FUN!


The Ilardo family!

The Rodriguez family!

The Babwiriza Family!

The Herard Family!



  1. To my darling wife, It was a wonderful day! Thanks for all the hard work and the wonderful memories. Christ arose a victor from the dark domain and He lives forever with his saints to reign! We certainly had a blessed Resurrection Sunday! Your Husband Michael

  2. Michelle- You did an AWESOME job making all the yummy food!! We all had such a wonderful and glorious day on Ressurection Sunday!! I thank the Lord that He blessed me with such a sweet and wonderful older sister!! I also thank the Lord for the rest of my sisters as well and for also blessing us with such adorable kids!! Love your sister- Jennifer Herard

  3. Looks like you had a great time! :) Your food looks awesome too!
