Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Zechariah is 11 months old today!

   Wow, where has the time gone already....my little baby will be 1 in just 4 weeks! Our family would not be the same without him...I thank the Lord for our little guy!
    Quick stats on Zech...
     ----21 lbs.
    ---- 6 teeth
    ---- walking all around furniture!
    ----can free-stand for a moment too!
    ---Enjoys most table food....especially chicken
   ---- says mama and dadda...sometimes ba-bah
   ----- LOVES bathtime!
   And I think he has the best smile EVER!
Zech with Sarah Friedman

Zech at one of his favorite places to be...the high chair!

He's walking!!


  1. aww zech does have a cute smile he is getting big too i gotta hurray up and come see you all soon when work lets me off for the summer !!!

  2. He is getting SO big! Jacob has 2 teeth! HA! Not anything like Zech! What a cutie. :)

  3. baby zechy, daddy loves you! praying you feel better son!
